słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

shaking po angielsku:

1. moving up and down moving up and down

2. shiver shiver

A shiver ran down my spine.
The mere thought of a snake makes me shiver.
she's shivering
Vampire shivers in pain
Suddenly he shivered, as if he had become aware for the first time of the icy wind.
It made me shiver.
You’re shivering, do you want to borrow my jacket?
1. [verb] - to shiver - to shake slightly, especially because you are cold or frightened 2. [noun] - an act of shivering
They began to shiver, though for the most part they fought bravely enough.
Come inside, you’re shivering. shiver with cold/fear/delight
Harry shivered and looked up and down Magnolia Crescent
The cold wind outside made me shiver.
He shivered with cold in his thin cotton shirt.
I was shivering as if I had a fever.
The castle is haunted, he said with a shiver.

Angielskie słowo "shaking" (shiver) występuje w zestawach:

UNIT 3 - lesson I

3. trembling trembling

She was trembling with fear.
His legs were trembling from fear.
We felt the ground trembling.
His hand was trembling as he picked up his pen to sign.
He stood up with his hands trembling in a rage.
Look at those flowers trembling in the breeze.
His trembling hands belied his calm attitude.
Tom Skeleton was shaking and trembling in every limb.
Ron stuffed the trembling rat back into his pocket
He tried to seem calm but his trembling hands betrayed him.
When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.
Her hands were trembling.
he asked, his voice trembling with childish excitement.
She said that with trembling voice.
She spoke with her voice trembling.

4. making lots of quick movements

5. shivering

The poor boys were shivering with fear.
It was so cold that he was shivering.
She was shivering with cold.
They gave the dress to their daughter, Eponine, and Cosette went on shivering.
... you just stand there shivering half the time.
Right, I said, shivering at this recital as a man would who gets hysterical while taking a shower if a bit of soap stings his eye.

6. He was trembling all over

Angielskie słowo "shaking" (He was trembling all over) występuje w zestawach:

Illness: feeling under the weather