słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

give up po angielsku:

1. surrender surrender

Herold agreed to surrender.
Never surrender yourself to despair.
We must surrender them all.
Surrender to the enemy.
If I had to surrender, I'd rather choose death.
The dictator forced the tribe to agree on the terms of surrender.
Never give up. Never surrender.
When two armies oppose one another, those who can fight should fight, those who can't fight should guard, those who can't guard should flee, those who can't flee should surrender, and those who can't surrender should die.
The surrender terms were harsh.
An example of to surrender is for someone to turn themselves into the police if they have done something wrong. An example of to surrender is a mother giving up her baby to be adopted.
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets; we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
surrender oneself to - poddawać się czemuś, oddawać się; surrender a right - zrzec się prawa, cedować prawo; surrender to the police - oddać się w ręce policji; surrender an insurance policy - wykupić polisę ubezpieczeniową;
Some of the gang surrendered but the rest escaped.
surrender = give up a fight and submit to the enemy
The soul that desires God to surrender himself to it entirely must surrender itself entirely to him without keeping anything for itself.

Angielskie słowo "give up" (surrender) występuje w zestawach:

All phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs

2. stop doing something stop doing something

Angielskie słowo "give up" (stop doing something) występuje w zestawach:

phrasal verbs
140 phrasal verbs
phrasal verbs

3. quit quit

I quit.
She advised him to take a long holiday, so he immediately quit work and took a trip around the world.
Quit talking like you've got something stuck in your mouth and say what you mean.
If you use the quit command noted below, you can make the application exit.
Quit wallowing in your postmodern, wangsty aimlessness and stand up for something!
We went to work at sunrise, and quit work between sundown and dark.
Open an image and select an image layout. Click "Open" for opening an image. Click "Quit" for quitting the program. "Image Layout" feature allows you to view in any layout.
Ow! Yukiko! That hurts! Quit hitting me with your fists!
You'd have so much more success with women if you'd quit trying to be someone you're not and just let yourself be charmingly awkward.
Sometimes, many problems and a lot of stress can lead you to quit your job. You must learn how to handle it quickly.
Quit picking your scabs. I don't care how good it feels.
Jane is very content with her job and has no desire to quit it.
There is definitely a way to quit the world and live like an hermit in the mountains, being self-sufficient and without contact with anybody while not dying like a dog.
Hey, it's about time you quit it with the panty jokes. You'll put off the readers, you creeper!
The saved game appears to be damaged and cannot be used. Please quit the game and then restart after removing the save data.

Angielskie słowo "give up" (quit) występuje w zestawach:

crying, screaming, throwing up2
phrasal verbs
20230311 phrasal en-en

4. to stop trying to stop trying

Angielskie słowo "give up" (to stop trying) występuje w zestawach:

Lesson 2B (2)
Lesson 2B (2)